Monday, January 19, 2015

Yeah science!

With classes starting again, this post is inspired by that show about the high school chemistry teacher gone extracurricular—Breaking Bad. I'm a big fan of Breaking Bad for its great writing and acting and fun use of chemistry. Even the header of this blog is an homage to the titles from the show. I now present... the molecules of Breaking Bad!

L-R: Hydrofluoric acid, methamphetamine, fulminated mercury, methylamine

This speech from the pilot episode captures not only the essence of chemistry and Breaking Bad, but crafting as well. I love crochet for its ability to combine different materials and themes into something greater than the individual parts.

Fulminated mercury

Name: Mercury(II) fulminate
Other names: Fulminated mercury
Chemical formula: C2N2O2Hg
Found in: Breaking Bad!, blasting caps
Key: Yellow=C, Orange=N, Red=O, White=Hg

Hey, it forms little crystals! Is that meth?

Oh. Nevermind.


Name: Methamphetamine
Other names: N-methyl-1-phenylpropan-2-amine
Chemical formula: C10H15N
Found in: Breaking Bad!, narcotics, medications
Key: Turquoise=C, White=H, Periwinkle=N

Hydrofluoric acid

Name: Hydrofluoric acid
Other names: Fluoric acid
Chemical formula: HF
Found in: Breaking Bad!, etchants
Key: Red=H, Purple=F

The tub is probably not the best place for that hydrofluoric acid...


Name: Methylamine
Other names: Aminomethane, methanamine
Chemical formula: CH3NH2
Found in: Breaking Bad!, organic synthesis
Key: Black=C, White=H, Yellow=N

Remember when it comes to crochet, you know who to go to. I'm the one who knots!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Good spirits for bad weather

Now that the holidays are over, I'm back in the Midwest where the weather is taking a decidedly frosty turn. In light of the freezing conditions and tonight's College Football Playoff National Championship, the next Dollecule is one of the more enjoyable ways to keep warm and a staple of the time-honored tradition of college football... Ethanol!


Name: Ethanol
Other names: Ethyl alcohol
Chemical formula: C2H5OH
Found in: Beer, wine, fuel, antiseptic
Key: Maroon/Dark Brown=C, Champagne/Gold=H, Red/Light Brown=O

Drink. Drank. Drunk.

Internet = Broken

The Great Beeramid

One of the more fun projects so far. Now to make sure these props don't go to waste...

In addition to the negative air temperatures, the Midwest also boasts a pretty nice selection of breweries (coincidence or causation?). I'm looking forward to sampling more of the local fare while I'm out here.

Bottoms up

Cheers! Stay warm out there!

Monday, January 5, 2015


The first NOMecule is the go-to grad school fuel... Caffeine!


Name: Caffeine
Other names: Methyltheobromine, 1,3,7-trimethylpurine-2,6-dione
Chemical formula: C8H10N4O2
Found in: Coffee!!!, tea, chocolate, cola
Key: Dark Brown=C, Cream=H, Tan=N, Light Brown=O

The toybox

Home for the holidays means Philz! I love me some Bay Area coffee, especially Philz, Chromatic, and Devout.

Home is where the Tesora is

Chromatic Coffee Co.

I may add a pocket to the doll where I can slip a sachet of coffee grounds for a scent effect. A sort of Strawberry Shortcake/Lots-o'-Huggin Bear for grown-ups. 

Are scratch-and-sniff screens a thing yet?

Until next time fellow caffiends!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Start with a bang!

Happy New Year! The dawn of 2015 also marks the start of Chemigurumi, the craft blog home of crochet molecule dolls. Dollecules! Nailed it! First up is a favorite of New Year's celebrations... Potassium nitrate, the principle oxidizing agent in gunpowder.

Potassium nitrate

Name: Potassium nitrate
Other names: Saltpeter, nitrate of potash
Chemical formula: KNO3
Found in: Gunpowder, corned beef
Key: Yellow=K, Orange=N, Red=O

Ready the dustpan!

The One Man Party puts it best...


For more information on potassium nitrate, Professor Tatum is now holding office hours.

Just a taste of things to come. Tune in to future posts to meet more holiday homies (Holicules!), foodie fellows (NOMecules!), pop culture pals (Comicules!), and everything in between (Motleycules?). Happy holidays!